1.1-1 Discipleship

Discipleship is a critical part of developing servant leaders for the Church. Student development has created a student discipleship program to help new students acclimate to their learning environment, promote kingdom building through intentional relationships, and build up people who can be disciple- makers in the future. All students who attend CCCB are encouraged to participate in the student discipleship program during their time here. The discipleship program is not required because we want students to make an intentional choice to follow Jesus in the journey of discipleship.

Students are given the opportunity to join the discipleship program at the beginning of the year and can hop in a group at any time if so desired. Groups will be a place of prayer, encouragement, and spiritual support. This time will include a biblical component and will help the student learn to participate in spiritual conversations. All students will have a designated hour in their weekly schedules available for discipleship meetings.

Students who are further along in their spiritual journey may be asked to lead a group. Students who lead a discipleship group can use the opportunity for service learning as well as preparation a faithful life of Kingdom ministry.