1.1-3. Service Learning

Ephesians 2:10 tells us that we have a purpose for which we were saved. The Great Commission found in Matthew 28:16-20 tells us that making disciples, baptizing them, and teaching them to obey Jesus is a part of that purpose. Fulfilling our purpose also requires finding our place in the broader Body of Christ. As such, Central encourages our students to serve the Kingdom of God while seeking out, processing, and discerning their God-given purpose and vocation by completing 30 hours of service learning.

1.1 – 3.a. Significance

Service Learning is both a chance to serve others in the Kingdom and to explore vocation. Saints GPS encourages students to serve in their area of learning in order to test their fit and gifting in a given profession. As such, the following goals are a place to start this journey:

  • To gain practical experience. 
  • To discover how your unique talents can be used for God’s glory. 
  • To learn to be a leader.
  • To learn to be sensitive to other people’s needs.
  • To appreciate the work, the problems, the challenges, and the rewards of service in the local church.
  • To learn responsibility by completing and reporting your Service-Learning assignments faithfully and on time.
  • To graduate with a feeling of confidence in your ability to use what you have learned at CCCB in any situation.
  • To learn how to life a faithful life of Kingdom ministry.

CCCB encourages its students to use their various gifts and talents in some form of ministry or service in the kingdom while enrolled; and then continue that service upon graduation. 

***1.1 – 3.b.  Christian Service Expectation

Each student at Central not enrolled in an SME is expected to complete 30 hours of Service Learning throughout the semester. Hours may be completed at roughly 2 hours of service a week or in larger blocks less frequently. However, separating them more evenly throughout the semester is encouraged for continual practice within this service experience.

Any student who fails more than one semester of service learning may not be allowed to graduate. Students are expected to maintain an 80% reporting rate each semester.


***1.1 – 3.c.  How to Report

Students are enrolled in a class called Service Learning. Students will be expected to complete the reporting form found in the weekly modules of the Canvas course.


  • Service Hours are any hours spent in serving others.
  • Prep Hours are hours spent preparing for the service you perform (e.g.: Sermon/lesson preparation, planning or creating/gathering materials for your event);
  • Hours performed in service to someone as their preparation are regular hours—not prep hours (e.g.: Setting up chairs for chapel, stuffing envelopes for the church’s newsletter)
  • Travel hours are hours spent in travel to and from serving.
  • Up to 15 hours from a job may be recorded as service learning hours.

For more information on WHAT to report, see Saints GPS.

We encourage students to over-report their Service Learning Hours. 

Any questions or discrepancies with the student’s recorded hours may be corrected by contacting the Director of Saints GPS or the appointed GPS Office Worker (saintsgps@cccb.edu). 

***1.1 - 3.d.  Service Ideas

Students have a wide variety of service opportunities to choose from. Service Learning includes both volunteer and paid ministry, so it is possible to earn money for school while completing your service requirements. Any compensation is between the student and the church or organization. The college does not negotiate pay or expense reimbursement for its students. 

Examples of service through the local church/community:

  • Preaching minister/Supply preaching
  • Associate/Youth minister/Youth sponsor/Music minister/Worship leader
  • Elder/Deacon/Bible School teacher/Church Secretary 
  • Hospital visitation/Nursing home ministry
  • Campus ministry/Prison ministry
  • Public & Private Schools/Tutoring services
  • Missions Organizations/Committees/Forwarding Agents/church mission trips and/or teams
  • Childcare for Faculty & Staff as well as families within the community

Examples of service through CCCB:

Volunteer Service for chapel, event set up or tear down, cleaning crews, Stu-co, Student Leadership involvement, TA, discipleship group leader, etc.

Student jobs may count for Service Learning. Saints GPS will check in with your supervisor to verify your work has been done with the excellence and Christian attitude expected of servant leaders. Acceptance or rejection of hours from a job will be made in partnership between the Director of GPS and the supervisor of the student.

Athletic sporting events and travel time will not be accepted as Service Learning hours. Student-led events set up by the team as a service event and approved by the Director of GPS prior to the time of service are encouraged and can be used as Service Learning.

Students desiring to report service hours from events not listed above should see the Director of Saints GPS prior to completing them to be sure they are acceptable. In order to be accepted, the Service Learning Report must include a supervisor who can verify your service and their contact information.