It is very important for college students to be proactive in their mental and emotional wellness as well. Identified Mental illness is very common among students today. According to mental health research conducted by the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI): One in four students has a diagnosable illness; 40% do not seek help; 80% feel overwhelmed by their responsibilities; and 50% have become so anxious that they struggled in school.
While there are a variety of mental health concerns that are common among students today, there are five prevalent issues: depression, anxiety, suicide, eating disorders, and addiction. The college has trained its residential staff to address these issues, when possible; also, the college’s counseling Professors do provide some counseling services which can be accessed by students free of charge. The students are encouraged to contact the professors directly or the Student Development office can refer a student.
Central does not have services available to address serious mental and emotional health concerns. But we do have resources and access to places that do. In the event that any such issues arise during your time here, you must seek out assistance from your RDA, RA, RD or other school official as soon as possible. The college staff is more than willing to assist you in finding the resources that will be helpful for leading to a happier and healthier college career. If you think immediate treatment or care may be necessary, contact a medical professional immediately. Do not hesitate to call 911 or to go to the emergency room. Other resources, outside of CCCB include a 24-hour Mental Health Crisis Line : 1-800-395-2032 and the Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).
Oftentimes students are hesitant to report mental or emotional issues because they fear being removed from the college or calling unwanted attention to themselves. Attempting suicide, self-harm, starting or continuing addictions, and eating disorders are not immediate grounds for a student’s removal from college. Each person’s circumstances are dealt with individually and a plan is made that best meets the needs of that student and the campus community. Sometimes going home or entering a treatment center is the best option for a student. The college’s first concern is for the safety of the campus community and its members. If a person is deemed dangerous to themselves or to others, they may be asked to leave school. Students who must leave based on documented medical issues (including mental and emotional issues) are given a medical withdrawal and are given a pathway back to complete their degree program. Students are encouraged to inform school officials about any diagnosed mental or emotional health issues, medications or needed interventions, as soon as possible. Such students are encouraged to develop a plan with their healthcare provider, doctor, psychiatrist, and/or therapist, to prepare for life as a college student.