Bible (General)


BIB 120: Discovering the Bible

Class Program
Credits 3
An overview of Bible history and the biblical world. The student will learn the chronology of key periods of biblical history, the key characters and events, and basic themes that are introduced and developed throughout the Bible. The course will also address such topics as the authority and reliability of Scripture, as well as canon, text, and versions. (Previous course number was BTH120).

BIB 201: Interpreting Biblical Literature

Class Program
Credits 3
A study of hermeneutics: the principles of interpreting Scripture and other texts that utilize the Bible. The historical-grammatical method of interpretation and application for personal spiritual growth and responsible communication will be presented to and practiced by students using sample passages.

BIB 300: Biblical Backgrounds

Class Program
Credits 3

Bible Backgrounds is a study of the history, culture, literature, and religion of the ancient Near East. Students will study the documents of the New Testament by examining the historical, literary, and theological features of these texts. Special attention is given to the context of the first-century bible lands, along with genres, content, and distinctive features of each New Testament book.

1.     The student will be able to understand the first-century world and provides the backdrop of the New Testament.

2.     Demonstrate knowledge of the significance of the historical Jesus's life within his historical context of Rome and second temple Judaism.

3.     The student will understand various ancient views of New Testament theologies, such as the afterlife and what early Christians said about Jesus's resurrection.

4.     Each student will be able to describe the basic contours of Paul's life and theology.

5.     The student will demonstrate an understanding of each book's setting, production, and basic content in the New Testament.

6.     At the conclusion of this course, each student will be able to articulate the Christian worldview described in the New Testament and understand its relevance to the life of Christians today.