Exit Policies


A Leave of Absence (LOA) allows students to return and complete a degree after one or two semesters away from CCCB. LOA applications are available in the academic services office and on CCCB’s website. An approved LOA may last up to two consecutive semesters.

In order to receive an LOA, the following criteria are required:

  • The student must have a CGPA of 2.00.
  • The student must have all bills paid to CCCB.
  • The student must be registered the semester immediately preceding the request for the LOA.
  • The student must have no pending disciplinary action (dismissal, suspension, or probation).
  • The student must submit documentation for an extended Field Education Experience, Medical LOA, or approved studies at another institution.
  • The student may only apply for an LOA prior to the first semester in which the LOA would apply.

Results of a leave of absence:

  • The student is allowed to pre-register for the next semester’s classes as if currently enrolled as a student.
  • The LOA is an academic leave of absence. For federal student aid purposes, students will be withdrawn from school and a Return of Title IV funds calculation will be completed if a student leaves in the middle of a semester. Exit counseling will be completed with the student or exit counseling information will be sent to the student if they are not available for a one on one interview.
  • The student will withdraw from CCCB.


Onsite Exit Procedure

A student who wishes to withdraw from CCCB at any point in the semester must go to the student development office and explain the situation to the vice president of student development or his designated representative. After that meeting, a student may begin the withdrawal process.

Students must do the following before classes can be officially dropped:

  1. Meet with a representative of the student development office to initiate the process.
  2. Conduct an exit interview with a representative of the financial aid office, if applicable
  3. Withdraw from all classes with the registrar
  4. Meet with the Account Manager or vice president of business & finance if the Return of Title IV calculations creates a balance owed on the student’s account
  5. Check out with the Residence Hall Director, if applicable
  6. Return keys, student I.D., and library materials to CCCB
  7. Provide forwarding address

Students who initiate the exit process by the end of the grace period will be refunded their tuition and student fee but are liable for the exit fee  and orientation fee. The student is also responsible to pay for any outstanding charges that are not removed from their student account or other purchases made at CCCB. This includes any charges accrued in the library, bookstore, or Harvest House.

Students who leave after the grace period do not receive a refund of tuition or the student fee, are not charged the exit fee, and are responsible for any unpaid charges accrued in the library, bookstore, or Harvest House.

Students who appeal for a refund and the refund is approved will receive a “W” for all withdrawn courses.

Online Exit Procedure

Online students wishing to withdraw from all classes and exit from school must notify the online advisor. The online advisor will process a change of schedule and send it to the student to sign.

If an online student drops all courses for both sessions during the current session’s grace period, they will be charged the exit fee.

If an online student withdraws from all courses for the semester after the current session’s grace period, they will not receive a refund.


Students who are suspended or dismissed from CCCB must complete the withdrawal process to avoid receiving an “F” in every class. Suspended or dismissed students leaving after the grace period will receive a grade of “F” unless they meet one of the exceptions for an approved withdrawal. They are not charged the exit fee but are subject to the grace period in regards to refunds.


Students must demonstrate they are participating in each individual course in order to receive federal student aid and to continue in the course.

If it is determined a student is no longer meeting the participation requirements for a course, the financial aid office will evaluate the student’s participation in all courses for the term to determine if a student has ceased participation and if a Return of Title IV calculation is needed for federal student aid, and the registrar may initiate the exit procedure for a student. If a student is withdrawn from all classes, the registrar will notify the student development office.

Onsite Administrative Withdrawal

If an onsite student has exceeded the allowable number of absences in a class or has had 3 consecutive weeks of absences, the professor may request the student be withdrawn from the class. The registrar, through attendance monitoring, may initiate a review by the professor to determine if a student needs to be administratively withdrawn from a class.

Online Administrative Withdrawal

Students will be administratively withdrawn from all courses for the semester if they have not met all three participation requirements for two units in each course.

Students will receive a grade of “FW” for a course, if they have not participated for two or more weeks. The professor will notify the registrar of non-participation. If the withdraw deadline has not passed, the student may be given the opportunity to withdraw before receiving an “FW”.

A student who has not paid their student account by the end of the grace period will be dropped from the course. Payment may be made through personal payments, financial aid, or a payment plan.


The refund policy may be waived if any of the following are documented:

  • A student has received orders to report for Active Duty in the Military.
  • A student is suspended in an effort to rehabilitate and is expected to do so.
  • A student becomes unable to attend school due to a medical condition.
  • A student’s immediate family has an emergency because of major illness, death, or other family loss which would cause undue hardship for the family if the student remained enrolled. A written request must be submitted by the student’s parent or guardian and the student explaining the situation and requesting a withdrawal for the semester.

Documentation for refunds must be given to the vice president of business & finance. Approved refunds are based on the date of submission. If a student’s exception is approved, credits will be applied to the student’s account in the following manner:

  • During the first week, the student will be eligible for the grace period exit fee.
  • After the grace period, refunds will be prorated according to the academic ratio and room & board according to the number of days remaining in the semester.

Refunds are given for the student fee and room & board fee. No refunds will be given on any other fees or charges, including single room charges. The student is responsible to pay for any charges made in the bookstore, cafeteria, and Harvest House and can do so by using their financial aid.