Acquaints the student with the most important facts and laws of behavior and mental life. Particular emphasis is upon those aspects of study which have bearing upon the Christian worker.
Students compare and contrast the biblical worldview with the most significant competing contemporary worldviews to develop a Christian philosophical and moral foundation for lifestyle choices.
Designed for the student with little or no science background. An overview of two major areas of Physical Science, Physics and Chemistry, will be taught. The students will be also be exposed to how chemistry and physics relate to the creation/evolution controversy and current environmental topics.
This course is designed to help meet the math and financial educational needs of those working in the non-profit sector. Topics include but are not limited to principles of basic math and elementary algebra, personal finance and taxes, organizational resource management, governmental issues, fund raising, and project management.
A study of the techniques and methods that make science unique, with emphasis placed on basic principles and disciplines, and their relevance to everyday activities. The scientific method will be emphasized to help students differentiate between real science and pseudoscience. Scientific principles will also be discussed in the context of the biblical narrative.
An introduction to the science of archaeology—its history, scope, modern field methods and techniques, its value and limitations, the use and abuse of archaeological data—so students may work intelligently with current archaeological literature. Special emphasis is given to the principal archaeological discoveries in lands where biblical events occurred, showing how these discoveries illumine the background of Scripture and corroborate the biblical record.
This field course will give the student hands-on training in archeology as they learn the history of Israel during the Hellenistic to the Byzantine periods, with special attention to the life and culture of lower-Galilee. The student will be able to correlate Biblical texts with a social understanding of politics, religion, and economics gained from the science of archaeology.
Focuses on the origins and practices of various religions of the world. Special attention is given to how cultures express the worldviews of the religious environment in which they develop. These religions and cultures are compared and contrasted to the teachings of Christianity.
Acquaints the student with the most common types of psychological disorders, their causes, and treatment. Emphasis will be placed upon those problems which may be encountered by the Christian worker.
Addresses the philosophical issues of the nature and source of knowledge through a historical survey of philosophies from pre- Socratic materialism to post- modernism. Describes formal arguments and logical fallacies.
A course that examines the teaching-learning process in detail, in topical style. Includes a study of perception, motivation, discipline, and feedback.