Grading Scale

A course grade quantifies student learning and achievement through objective measures and may be determined by participation, written assignments, exams, or other means indicated by your instructor.  

Course syllabi may indicate the exact formula to be used for calculating the grades in each course. 

The following is CCCB's Grading Scale, used to determine letter grade and GPA:

Letter Grade Score GPA
A 100-95    4.0
A- <95-90    3.7
B+ <90-87    3.3
B <87-83    3.0
B- <83-80    2.7
C+ <80-77    2.3
C <77-73    2.0
C- <73-70    1.7
D+ <70-67    1.3
D <67-63    1.0
D- <63-60    0.7
F <60    0.0


Other Grade Symbols Meaning
P Student earned at least 80% in a pass-fail course (4 quality points)
W Withdrawn from a course
AU Course was audited by a student; no grade was given
I Incomplete grade (temporary)
IP In progress (temporary)

Grade Reports

Canvas will track current grades as students submit work and instructors provide scores. You may refer to the Academic Calendar to find out the dates for when final grades are submitted to Populi for each term.