Letter from the President

You are my kind of person!

Since you are reading this academic catalog, it means that you are serious about what it means to study at Central Christian College of the Bible. I still remember the first CCCB catalog I looked inside of. I was a junior high student in camp and a college team left one of the catalogs on the table. They let me take it home and I devoured it over the next several weeks. By the time I finished, I knew that I wanted to study at CCCB!

You might think that reading a Christian college academic catalog is only, well, “academic.” However, I learned so much from the catalog. And you will find the same things when you read what follows.

1. Milestones in the story of a school that was started in 1957 so that young men and women could learn God’s Word from qualified faculty and serve the church. Enrolling at CCCB makes you part of that story. Your participation will build relationships and demonstrate leadership that become an inherent part of your future service.

2. Policies for success that will help a student take seriously the opportunity to be enrolled with others. Christian higher education provides spiritually minded students with a Bible-centered foundation in the context of a Christian worldview.  At CCCB, you will find a ministry community that glorifies God through Christlike attitudes, words, and acts of service so that students like you can follow examples of Christian maturity and spiritual community. 

3. Programs that open doors for future career service inside and outside of the church. Our accredited degrees provide a quality educational experience providing many opportunities after graduation for employment, service, or further education.

4. Courses that help students learn to be biblical servants for a faithful life of kingdom ministry. All of the instruction is built upon the authority of Christ and the Scripture.  We believe that the Bible is true and Jesus Christ is Lord of His people.  Whether in the classroom or around campus, we will equip you to follow the example of Jesus and the principles of the Bible.  By serving others in the name of Christ, we receive the blessings in this life and for eternity.

When you read about CCCB’s milestones, policies, programs, and courses, you will see how well you fit into the educational experience here. Your academic abilities, character values, and life goals can be shaped and directed through your studies at Central Christian College of the Bible. 

Enrolling at a Christian college can be a highlight of your educational and spiritual journey. I pray that your time here will clarify God’s work in your life as you study at CCCB.

For Christ and the College,

David B. Fincher, Ph.D.
