Academic Status

Academic status will be determined at the conclusion of Fall and Spring terms. (Summer term will not affect Academic Status). All GPA’s (term or cumulative) will be based on institutional credits only.

Academic Alert
Students in Good Standing will be placed on Academic Alert when their term GPA falls below 2.0 while maintaining a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher. Individuals will be notified by email from the Registrar’s Office.

Academic Warning
Students in Good Standing or on Academic Alert will be placed on Academic Warning when their cumulative GPA falls below 2.0. Individuals will be notified by email from the Registrar’s Office and will be enrolled in both the Student Success course and Private Study Skills & Strategies.

Academic Suspension
Students on Academic Warning will be placed on Academic Suspension when their cumulative GPA continues to remain under 2.0. Individuals will be notified by email from the Registrar’s Office and will not be permitted to take classes at the college for one semester (summer term does not count as a qualifying term for suspension purposes). Suspended students may submit a written appeal to the VP of Academics within 10 business days from the date of their suspension notification by the Registrar’s Office.

Academic Probation
Students who successfully appeal their suspension will be placed on Academic Probation. Students who do not appeal may restart their coursework following a one-semester suspension by reapplying to the college, satisfying all Financial Aid Office requirements, and resolving any prior balances on their student accounts. Returning students will be placed on Academic Probation.
During the Probation semester, students are required to meet with the Director of Student
Success to develop an Academic Recovery Plan which must be approved by the VP of

Academic Status Chart

Standing Term GPA Cumulative GPA New Standing

Good Standing

  ≥ 2.0 Good Standing
Good Standing < 2.0 ≥ 2.0 Academic Alert
Good Standing   < 2.0 Academic Warning
Academic Alert ≥ 2.0 ≥ 2.0 Good Standing
Academic Alert < 2.0 ≥ 2.0 Academic Alert
Academic Alert   < 2.0 Academic Warning
Academic Warning   ≥ 2.0 Good Standing
Academic Warning   < 2.0 Academic Suspension
Academic Probation   ≥ 2.0 Good Standing
Academic Probation   < 2.0* Academic Suspension

* Unless the ARP permits more than one semester to regain Good Standing.

Academic Recovery Plan
An Academic Recovery Plan (ARP) is a written document by the student and the Director of Student Success. ARPs must be approved by the VP of Academics in order to be official. Plans may include interventions such as tutoring, Student Success classes, regular meetings with the Director of Student Success, and enrollment limitations or conditions (e.g., retaking previously failed courses, etc.). The plan will also state the allowable amount of time (up to three semesters) a student may have to successfully regain academic Good Standing.

Conditional Admittance

Incoming students (with less than 24 earned dual-enrollment college credits) whose high school cumulative GPA is below 2.5 and/or their ACT composite test score is below 18, will be conditionally admitted. The Admissions Office will notify the student and the Registrar, and the Registrar will communicate to the Director of Student Success. These students will be enrolled in the Student Success course and Private Study Skills & Strategies.

Transfer Students
Transfer students whose most recent college cumulative GPA is under 1.67 will be admitted on Academic Warning. The Admissions Office will notify the student and the Registrar, and the Registrar will communicate to the Director of Student Success. These students will be enrolled in the Student Success course and Private Study Skills & Strategies.

Re-Admit Students
Students desiring to return to the college may do so by following the college’s re-admission processes, satisfying all Financial Aid Office requirements, and resolving any prior balances on their student accounts. Student who left the college on an Academic Warning will return on the same status. Students returning from Academic Suspension will be placed on Academic Probation.

Summer Term
The summer term will not factor into academic status determination. Thus, the summer will not result in a student being placed on, or removed from, an academic status. Students placed on Academic Suspension at the conclusion of the spring term may not enroll in summer term courses.