Enrollment Agreement
The Enrollment Agreement is a contract between the student and the institution for payment and services rendered. Once a student has signed an enrollment agreement, the student is responsible for all charges. The payment and refund policies outline some limited exceptions to this rule.
All students must have their bill paid in full or payment arrangements in place with the Business Office before classes start.
Satisfactory payment arrangements may include the following:
- If a student has completed the financial aid process, CCCB will require only that the student pay the obligation that will remain net of any expected aid. If the student is receiving federal aid, completion of the financial aid process includes completing all forms required including, but not limited to, the FAFSA, all documents needed to satisfy the requirements of verification (if applicable), and all loan documents (as needed).
- CCCB may consider non-federal awards (from churches, service clubs, or other promised awards) in order to decrease the payment required prior to attending classes only if the Certification of Outside Scholarship form is received.
- Students may choose to pay by utilizing a payment plan. The student must have an approved plan in place and be current on that plan. If the student terminates or defaults on that plan, immediate payment may be requested in full.
- Students may choose to take a private loan to cover the balance. That loan must be approved by the bank and certified by CCCB prior to the due date.
In the event that extreme circumstances prevent a student from making payment arrangements before classes start, the student may request an extension. Extensions will be considered on a case-by-case basis and, if granted, the student will have until the end of the grace period to make satisfactory payment arrangements.
If at any time after the start of the semester it is determined that the student’s anticipated financial aid will not be available, the student will be notified in writing of the remaining obligation. The student will have 7 days from the date of notification to make appropriate payment arrangements.
Students who withdraw from the college within the census will receive a full refund of tuition, semester fees, housing, and food. Non-refundable fees include, but are not limited to, bookstore charges and classroom materials.
After the census date, no reduction of any fees or charges will be given to students who are dismissed or who officially withdraw from all or a portion of their classes.
The following exceptions will be considered upon appeal:
- A student who has received orders to report for active duty in the military may request a partial reduction of costs. The student must present a copy of their military orders.
- A student who becomes unable to attend school due to a medical condition may request a partial reduction of costs. The student must present a written medical release from their doctor or counselor stating that class attendance would be detrimental to their health.
- A student whose immediate family has an emergency because of major illness, death, or other family loss, may request a partial reduction of costs if the student’s continued enrollment would cause undue hardship for the family. A written request must be submitted by the student’s parent or guardian if the student is a dependent, or the student themselves if they are independent. The letter must explain the situation and include a request to be excused from further class attendance.
- Upon readmission to CCCB, a suspended student with an outstanding bill may appeal for a partial reduction of costs for a semester that was incomplete due to suspension.
All documentation for appeals must be presented to the Director of Accounting for approval. If a student’s appeal is approved, then a partial refund of costs will be credited to the student’s account in the following manner: the student fee will be prorated based upon the student’s last date of attendance; housing and food costs will be prorated according to the last day in institutional housing. Reductions will only be given on student fees, housing, and food. No reductions will be given on any other fees or charges, including room upgrades. All appeal decisions are final.