Christian Education


  1. Develop critical thinking skills founded on a biblical worldview in order to prepare age-appropriate lessons that communicate and apply biblical truth to meet the needs of students.

  2. Acquire a foundational knowledge of educational theory, child development, and the systems of education in order to implement an effective system of discipline and classroom management based on a Christian philosophical foundation.

  3. Demonstrate technological and technical skills required for competent classroom instruction.

  4. Identify, understand and apply principles of human development including the characteristics, needs, and developmental tasks across the human lifespan with a holistic view of the child in the classroom.

  5. Develop multicultural and diversity competencies appropriate to include all people regardless of disability, gender, race or ethnicity.


Career Opportunities

Students who graduate with a Christian Education major are trained for ministry in a local church in areas such as director of children’s ministry, adult education, discipleship, small groups, involvement, and Christian education.  Many Christian schools also accept a Christian education degree as qualification for teaching at the preschool and elementary level.  Students may also work through the ABCTE program to obtain teacher certification in certain states. Students may also pursue a graduate degree in education leading to initial teaching certification from different universities.

Program Goals

Students will be able to do the following:

  1. Prepare age-appropriate Bible lessons that communicate and apply Biblical truth to the needs of students.
  2. Identify the characteristics, needs, and developmental tasks across the human lifespan.
  3. Evaluate products and resources that seek to assist the educational ministry of the church.



PED 330: Human Growth and Development

Credits 3.00

This course is developmental analysis of the human lifespan, from conception to death. Attention is focused upon physical, cognitive, psychosocial, moral and spiritual development. Socialization with family and friends, interaction with peers in schools, and choosing vocations are explored, as well as significant life events.

PED 367: Philosophy of Education

Credits 3.00

An examination of the historical background of Western education. The ideas of various philosophies of education are explored as well as their influence upon current practices in Christian and public schools. Students examine the outstanding educators of history to learn their values and methodology.

PED 375: Creative Teaching

Credits 3.00

Develops the general creative ability of the student and helps him/ her apply that creative problem solving to a variety of teaching/learning situations.

PED 376: Ministry and Diversity

Credits 3.00

Ministry and Diversity examines the most current practices to confidently and successfully minister to people across lines of racial, cultural, and socio-economic differences. Students will be exposed to different cultural groups and understand the principles that facilitate effective ministry across lines of difference.

PED 381: Small Group Leadership

Credits 3.00

Familiarizes students with the small group movement in churches, including its history, literature and methods. Students also gain practice in leading a small group.