
Planning a Schedule

Students may plan their schedule by consulting their advisor, their progress sheet, and the standard curriculum sequencing. Students must consider:

  • Any prerequisites
  • The level of the course
  • The availability of the course
  • The format of the course

Course Load

Enrollment Status  Enrollment Status is determined semester-to-semester and can change within a semester due to schedule changes. For online students, credit hours from both sessions within a semester are calculated.

Full-time Student

  • Undergrad student - 12 hours or more
  • Graduate student - 9 hours or more

Part-time Student

  • Undergrad student - less than 12 hours
  • Graduate student - less than 9 hours

Course Order

In their first two semesters, students enroll in biblical studies and general studies courses. Students begin their professional studies courses in their second year.

Students should aim to take at least one course from each division (biblical, general, and professional) every semester. Courses should be taken in the order listed for the program, as noted in the student’s progress sheet.


Students create their schedules for the upcoming term through preregistration. First-time, transfer and reactivating onsite students will be assigned an initial schedule depending on their academic records. Onsite students should contact the registrar to confirm or change their initial schedule. A student who first enrolls in the second semester will not be allowed to enroll in classes for which the first semester’s work is prerequisite without permission of the instructor.

Pre-registration for returning onsite students occurs at the end of the previous semester and is opened in stages based on grade level so that upperclassmen may have first access to courses. Returning students must visit the registrar to pre-register. Returning online students pre-register by emailing the Online Advisor.


A student officially enrolls at registration. Once a student has signed their enrollment agreement, the student is official, is responsible for all charges, and is subject to all policies at CCCB.

New students must have all documents needed for enrollment submitted before they register. Returning students must have any previous balance paid before they may register.

In order to attend classes, a student’s bill is to be paid in full by the Monday following registration week. The following exceptions will be honored:

  • If a student has completed the process for federal student aid, CCCB will require only that the student pay the obligation that will remain after application of this aid and any internal aid. Completion of the federal student aid process includes completing all forms required to receive the aid, including, but not limited to, the FAFSA, satisfying the requirements of verification, and loan documents (if applicable).
  • CCCB may consider non-federal awards (from churches, service clubs, or other promised awards) and decrease the payment required prior to attending classes by the amount of such awards only if CCCB receives written notice stating the award name, sponsor, amount, date of disbursement, and notice of no award restrictions.
  • A signed payment plan is in place, and payments are current on that plan. However, if the student terminates the plan or defaults on the plan, full payment is due immediately.

If CCCB determines that the student’s financial aid will not be available by the paid-in-full deadline, the student shall be notified by email of the remaining obligation. The student shall have seven days from the date of notification to settle the remaining obligation. Nonpayment will result in the student’s exit from CCCB.

Moberly and Extension Campus Registration

New students may register on several occasions throughout the summer, including during orientation weekend, and students are assigned a registration time by the student development office.

Returning students may register during the designated registration period during each semester and summer. Returning students are responsible for arranging their registration times and completing registration by the deadline.

Online Registration

New online students must have completed the registration process one week before the beginning of the related orientation session. New online students who have not paid for the current session or do not have financial aid in place seven days before the start of the orientation class will be dropped from the class and may start the online program during the next session, assuming payment has been received or financial aid is in place.

All returning online students must have the appropriate registration materials completed three weeks before the first day of the course. Students are to make a payment at least seven days before the first day of the course (or have adequate financial aid in place) in order to remain registered for the class.

Students will be granted access to their current session courses upon completion of all enrollment requirements, including payment for the session/semester. If the student has not paid for the session/semester, or does not have adequate financial aid in place by the end of the grace period, the courses for the current session will be removed from their schedule.

Late Registration

Once official registration closes for a term, any registration completed after that time is a late registration. Students who register late are charged a late registration fee and are responsible for any work missed. No student shall be allowed to register after the grace period. Exceptions may be made by the registrar in rare cases involving uncontrollable circumstances.


Supervised Ministry Experience (SME)

The Supervised Ministry Experience is fulfilled by completing CCT 250 Vocational Preparation and SME 301 Supervised Ministry Experience. Transfer Students must attend CCCB at least one semester before enrolling in CCT 250. Students in the Christian Counseling Program may need to enroll in CCT 200 and the section(s) of SME if their standing is Sophomore or higher.

The Christian Counseling Program has a unique SME process allowing students to learn about and gain experience in varying areas in the counseling field. The Counseling SME is spread across six semesters in which students will be assigned to a pre-arranged site by the Counseling SME supervisor and will be required to complete 50 hours each semester. Some of these experiences will conclude with the earning of certifications increasing the student's employability prior to and after graduation.

Independent Studies

Registering for an independent study course requires the approval of both the instructor and the registrar. Students must have a CGPA of at least 2.50 in order to request an independent study. If approved, students must pay an independent study fee. Independent study request forms are available in the academic services office.

Students are limited to one independent study course for each area of study (biblical, professional, general) and to a total of three such courses in a program. Independent study courses must be completed by the end of the registered semester. A student who does not successfully complete an independent study will not be allowed to register for a different independent study course.

Independent study courses apply to a student’s maximum credits attempted in a semester.

Summer Courses

Students may take up to 9 credit hours during the summer months. Students wishing to take more than 9 credit hours must receive approval from the registrar. Students may register for summer courses during the spring semester and up to a week before the courses begin. For an independent study, the student may start as early as the week after commencement and end as late as the day before the fall semester begins, however, they may not be registered until payment is made through personal funds or financial aid.

Auditing a Course

As space is available, students may audit a course for no credit according to the following conditions:

  • Current students must have a GPA of 2.50 and either be a Junior level or above or a BRS student.
  • Students must pay an audit fee and any lab fees for the course.
  • Students must attend all classes. Excessive absences will result in the course being administratively dropped from the schedule.
  • There are no refunds for dropping an audit course, even within the grace period.

Employees who are approved by their supervisor and complete applicable paperwork can audit any course for free.


Dual-Enrollment Students

Dual-enrolled students will be charged the non-degree tuition rate for the first 15 hours of credit taken at CCCB, and will be charged the regular tuition rate ( (for additional credit hours. They will also be charged the non-degree seeking fee ( each term they enroll at CCCB.

A student at another college who wishes to earn a 15-hour certificate from CCCB may do so and continue to pay the non-degree tuition rate as long as they continue to be enrolled as a full-time student at their home institution. If they decide to pursue a higher degree or a certificate from CCCB, they will be charged the regular tuition rate once they are enrolled as a degree-seeking student at CCCB.

Concurrent High School Students

There are two categories by which high school students can enroll:

Neither of the categories of students are eligible for federal or institutional aid, and are charged the non-degree tuition rate ( up to 15 hours of college credit. They are also charged the non-degree seeking fee ( each semester they enroll at CCCB.

Non-Degree Students

Students who are not seeking a degree may enroll in courses as space is available. The course may apply to a CCCB certificate or degree in the future.

Non-degree students may register within one month of the first week of the semester, as space is available. They are charged the non-degree tuition rate and non-degree student fee ( but are not eligible for federal aid. Non-degree students do not have to meet chapel or Christian service requirements.

Constituent Students

The purpose of the constituent student program is to equip CCCB alumni and professional ministers, including other church leaders, to continue their education, strengthen ministry skills, to advance and enhance servant leadership in the church. Constituent students include:

  • An alumni student: Alumnus who have already completed a bachelor’s degree may take one onsite course per semester for continuing education & ministry training at no cost, if space is available.
  • A professional minister: A minister and his or her spouse may take one onsite course per semester for continued ministry training at no cost, if space is available.