The Student Body comprises all full-time and part-time students enrolled at CCCB (Moberly Campus). The Student Council (StuCo) represents the students before the faculty and administrators. StuCo facilitates the collaboration of student-leaders to minister to the spiritual, physical, intellectual, and social needs of the student body; to encourage personal excellence; and to contribute to the development of programs that accomplish the mission and objectives of the College.
The StuCo is composed of an elected student body president, vice president, secretary, historian, treasurer, class representatives (one per class), one commuting student, and a cross-cultural representative. The Associate Director of Student Development (or a designee) serves as the Faculty Advisor each academic year.
Other student organizations can include student-led ministries. CCCB believes that every student is an individual with incredible influence and leadership potential. Student Led ministries give students the opportunity to lead as an integral part of the college experience. Every year students travel across the street and across the globe to make a difference and advance the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. CCCB’s heritage is rich with student-led groups.
Effective leadership ignites when passion and skills align to meet a need. CCCB’s plan is to create a culture of leadership through unleashing student leadership and ministry potential. Students are encouraged to catch a vision through prayer, the Word, and interaction with people. Any student with a vision for ministry may be considered for recognition as a CCCB student led ministry group through a process which can be found here: 2.2-4 Student-led Ministries | Central Christian College of the Bible